In case any of you missed my facebook update, Lauren is the one responsible for the giddy grin that has been plastered to my face for the past week!  The gift that she gave me cannot be measured by anything this side of heaven and that gift has made me a better person and a much better photographer.  Oh how I desire to give that same gift to each client that I am blessed to photograph.

While Lauren was busy photographing me and the little Miss, I also photographed her, well … just because!  She recently donated her gorgeous long hair to locks of love and is also sporting some new fresh “ink”. (I’m not nearly cool enough to say that, but I’ve always wanted too 🙂 ) Lauren is a kindred spirit and I’ve had the pleasure of knowing her for a little over a year now I guess?  I’ve lost track because it feels like we’ve been friends forever.  I am blessed by the greatest group of five photographer friends and Lauren is one of them. Of all of us, Lauren and I are the most alike in so many ways, except she is extremely fit and healthy and feeds her children things that only nourish their little bodies.  Unlike my poor daughter who loves cheez-its and chocolate milk, her twins think that a candy bar consists of granola.  lol.  I know, I have a LOT to learn from her!

She is a dreamer, she is selfless and patient, and she is outrageously fun! Her smile lights up the world … promise … just go see for yourself!

Within minutes of meeting her, Mia Grace now refers to her as “my friend” and she cried when we had to go home 🙂



my favorite i think. its just, well HER in all her perfectly imperfect glory~


Now tell me you don’t want to go outside and play with her?  So many of these had serious “camera shake” because I was laughing so hard.


I lied.  This is my favorite!


Hey girl … nice ink! And yes, she that is her handwriting!


Isn’t she GORGEOUS??  And can you believe she gave birth to TWINS.  That is two babies at ONE time in case you didn’t know …


love this next series … its just so symbolic and her and wonderful and can’t you just feel the air blowing through your hair …


love you friend xoxoxoxo