Erin is such a humble young lady … it wasn’t until half way through our session that I started finding out all of her awesome accomplishments!  At first I learned that she would be going to Texas Women’s to play basketball. I have a very special place in my heart for any basketball player … especially girls 🙂  I pray every night that Mia Grace will also play basketball (just kidding!) but I do hope she’s an athlete for sure. I need something to be competitive about!

So, Erin will be playing at Texas Women’s next year, so I asked if she got a scholarship and soon found out that the answer is yes, but not for basketball, but for academics, as she was the valedictorian of her class … yes, that makes TWO valedictorians and three college athletes I photographed this year! (Erin just happens to be two in one!)  It was really sweet to talk to Erin’s mom about her daughter. As a mom myself I really get the pride that wells up in our hearts as mother’s for our children.  More than being athletic and smart, the first thing Erin’s mom told me about her was that she had so much integrity. As I drove home that night I thought a lot about how I hope to be able to describe my own daughter when she’s 17. I really can’t imagine a better description than smart, athletic, and full of integrity ….