I heard a beautiful story the other day that included a brilliant idea I simply couldn’t wait to pass on to my LMP mommas. Ready to hear it?

Once upon a time, a momma started a journal at the beginning of her daughter’s senior year and continued writing entries in it through graduation day. She included the highs and lows of her daughter’s year, verses of Scripture, inspirational thoughts she came across, and reflections of her own that she wanted to pass on for posterity. She also cut out articles she thought would be beneficial and pasted in photos she knew her daughter would treasure. And then she wrapped up that little journal book in gorgeous paper and presented it to her beloved daughter as a graduation present. The daughter said that it was absolutely one of her favorite gifts ever; that it wasn’t just a journal with lined paper and words tied up with pretty ribbon but her mom’s heart—written on each and every page—that was placed in her hands. I don’t know about you, but I’m crying my eyes out over here as I recount it to you! This particular gift stands out as such an amazing expression of love and commitment to me because, let’s face it, time can be at a premium senior year. From what I hear, just remembering to write a grocery list is cause for a pat on the back…am I right?

Alex Arthur

With that in mind, rather than laying a guilt trip on you—and, as we all know, there’s no guilt like mommy guilt!— I’m here instead to encourage my LMP mommas to take that idea and make it their own.  So what if it’s April and you’ve only got a few weeks left? Start now and call your journal “Final Thoughts on Your Senior Year,” or something to that effect. The point to me (and one I hope to remember when my babies are looking at senior year…yikes!) is for our children to have, in our own words and handwriting, thoughts that will be preserved long after they’re grown and gone.

Okay, Kleenex used. Back on task. “Where do I begin?” you might ask. Here’s my answer: purchase that journal, pick up a pen, and get started with these prompts:

  • What would you say to your 18-year-old self? What are some of the things you know now that you wish you’d known then? Chances are your 18-year-old son or daughter will benefit from hearing those pearls of wisdom too.
  • Do you have favorite Bible verses or inspirational adages that have served you well through the years? I bet your teen will find them inspirational as well. Jot them down along with a memory of a time the words encouraged you.
  • Remember those Instagram photos of senior year I’ve been encouraging you to snap and post? Have them printed at CVS and paste them into your journal along with a note about why they’re among your favorites.

Peyton McAlister

LMP mommas, if you haven’t noticed by now, I’m all about your senior guys and girls. I’m also always looking for ways to encourage and equip them for life beyond high school because, well, I just really love them! But I know that no one, and I mean no one, can love them like you do. I don’t think you have to be the next great American novelist to let them know how you feel, though; being their momma is great enough. And I feel confident that whatever you write, it will be noteworthy.

So pick up that ballpoint pen and see where you inner author takes you!