2013, like any other year, had its share of ups and downs. I spent a lot of time last year reflecting about my life and business and my relationships and my role in each one. I spent time even more time asking God a load of questions about it all … and while I’m not sure I’m any closer to answers, I have found joy in the journey and the stillness I experienced this year for the first time.
Personally, I was happy to see it come to end. I needed a reason to refocus this year. 2014 is mostly going to be about being intentional and doing more than thinking or relecting or obsessing or analyzing or whatever you want to call it.
While I was quiet online, and especially here on the blog, I was still at work – in my life and my business. One of the major highlights of last year was getting to meet all these beautiful people. It brings me so much joy to pick up my camera and try my best to capture what is in my heart and what I see in all of you.
After getting the idea from one of my very favorite photographers, Tara Whitney, I decided to post a review of 2013 … quickly choosing one image from each session that caught my attention. The brilliance of this is that I get to see what is most inspiring to me … color, light, closeness, lots of laughter and all of your beautiful faces.
love, me.