I’ve procrastinated on writing Ali’s blog post, as I often do with the ones that mean the most to me. I so badly want my words to accurately portray what my heart feels, and it’s like the perfectionist side of me prevents me from just doing it already out of fear that I’ll fall short. But here we go, anyway…

This is how I feel about sweet Ali. I met her when I photographed her much older brother for his senior pictures back in 2009, I believe. Her mom wanted a few pictures of them together, so I dropped by their house on my way home to meet blue-eyed little Ali girl. She had a big smile and cute personality and was about 10 years old at the time. Fast forward to early 2012, when I put out a notice that I was hiring. I ended up hiring an old client, Monica—Ali’s momma—who still keeps everything running for LMP behind-the-scenes to this day! It didn’t take long for Monica to become my long lost best friend and, subsequently, I began to feel like Ali was more of a niece than a friend’s daughter.

It just so happened that my own cousin, Cade Northcutt, was a classmate of Ali’s, so I had the privilege of going to proms, Halloween celebrations, and pool parties that both of them attended. Sweet Ali often came over to spend time with baby Ellie. Her graduating class as a whole was and is so special to me. Ali even braved my crazy idea to take her and her friends from Argyle High School, along with some other clients from Grapevine Faith, on a Wilderness Trip. We spent six days sharing stories and backpacking together in the Colorado mountains, during which time I learned that Ali isn’t much for roughing it…haha! I’ve witnessed her navigate relationships and high school and grow into such a beautiful young woman. Ali is so down to earth, can dance like no one I’ve ever seen, and has the best sense of humor (just like her momma).

It’s impossible that you are 21 today!

Her session is still the most unique senior portrait shoot I’ve ever done. Because her family is from Louisiana, we planned a road trip for her senior session (yes, I can travel!). Just last week someone asked me about my most unique photo locations and, without hesitating, the Louisiana bayou in a canoe takes the cake…although those blooming cotton fields come in at a close second. I’ll leave out the part where I literally burned a plastic comb into Ali’s hair before her portraits, and the fact that the hairspray I used made her initially look like she was entering a pageant. But seriously, I love those (now) funny memories and her session is still one of my very, very favorites.

I sure love you, Ali Grace.

Ali’s Senior Session in Monroe, Louisiana | Argyle High School Class of 2016
Hair + Makeup: Monica Childress