The Meaning of Momager: A Love Note

“Momager.” That might be a new term for you, but at Love, Me Photography, it’s frequently in use. Why? Because it’s the only single-word phrase I know of that seems to fully encompass the lifestyle of the majority of my clients. Momager (mom-a-ger): Otherwise known as...

LMP Lookbook Fall Photo Shoot Fashion

Have you noticed? It’s suddenly, fabulously fall. Leaves are turning. Lattes are brewing. There are plenty of scarves on the shelves for purchasing. Life is so beyond good. You’ve probably guessed this already, but we LOVE—all caps completely necessary—fall photo...

We are family

A huge perk to my job is that I get to photograph those I love most! My mother in law really needed updated photos of her littlest grandbaby, so we made it a family affair and got some cute images of the whole bunch. It was pretty chilly this evening, but it...

And then, she turned seven …

Seven. Yes, SEVEN. At this point I’m just shaking my head in disblief that I have a seven year old child. I just got around to going through these images I took of her … such fun memories. She actually enjoys for me to photograph her now and has her own...

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! I must admit that Valentine’s Day became way more fun when I had kids … True to my slacker Mom form, I only have pictures of my oldest to share – because well, I had to get something together for her to hand out at school...

A glance at 2013

2013, like any other year, had its share of ups and downs. I spent a lot of time last year reflecting about my life and business and my relationships and my role in each one. I spent time even more time asking God a load of questions about it all … and while...