Colton is a laid back guy who was awesome in front of the camera. He also just so happens to play my favorite sport in the world, and my favorite position – I’m still going to come catch a game soon.
Mom’s are always worried because their boys don’t like to have their photos taken … imagine that? One of the biggest compliments I ever receive is when mom tells me that their son had a good time during the session. Having senior portraits taken truly doesn’t have to be torture for your teenage boy. In the end, the chances of getting him back in front of a camera aren’t likely to happen until they have another leading lady in their life telling them to do so … I know it seems so far away moms, but trust me, wedding bells will be ringing before you know it. I have moms tell me all the time how thankful they are they had senior portraits taken of their sons. This is a gift you can give yourself … and your future adult son. I can assure you, if my own dad had some cool portraits of himself from his glory days, I would have them memorized by now. One day, I truly hope these will be treasures for Colton as I know they are for his sweet Momma.
We also took a few minutes at the end of the session to snag a good family portrait … beautiful family, right?
Emrie, it was an honor to meet and photograph your family. You have been the absolute best to work with and I appreciate your business very much!