Many of you know that we are in the process of building a new studio above my home. We left our old town Roanoke location a while back and after having a hard time finding a new location that was a great fit, we decided that in order to get what we really wanted and needed, we’d have to build it. The transition hasn’t been all rainbowns and sunshine – let’s just say its a great thing Monica, my office manager, and I have become best of friends and neither of us has personal space issues! My two year old little girl, Ellie, is also nicknamed, The Destroyer, among other things, and well, I’ll just leave you to your imagination on that one. She currently has a tiny sticker obsession that was fueled by Aunt Monica’s generous gift of a book filled with 4K of them … yes, we are still friends – Monica is generous and I am forgiving – it works. Needless to say, you can imagine what has to happen to get my home remotely presentable for clients to come over for their ordering session!
Like with many of life’s unpleasantries, some great things have come from this too. For one, clients have told me time and time again how they love coming into my home. A typical ordering session goes something like this … Mom and senior come in anxious to view all the images from our session together. We usually chat breifly for a few minutes while I prepare everything and someone visits the bathroom before we get started. On the way back, Mom is usually looking all around at the family portraits hanging on my walls and over the mantle (isn’t it just nice to see how other people choose to display portraits of their loved ones?) and it never fails … Someone says, “Gosh, the last time we had a family portrait was when he/she was like FIVE … wow, I can’t believe you are graduating!” and then there is usually some discussion on exactly how old they were and the realization that man, time really does go by too fast.
I found myself thinking about how important family portraits are, not only when the kids are little like mine, but when they are older too! For the majority of parents, senior year is your last best chance to get a professional portrait of your child before they get married … the same goes for family portraits too!
So, we started offering family portraits with our senior sessions!
I absolutely LOVED photographing beautiful Jordan for her senior year and was thrilled when her mom, Lisa, decided to book a family session too! Here are my favorites from our time together. Are they not the most beautiful family?
And here’s Lisa’s take on her family session … its pretty clear where Miss Jordan gets her beautiful spirit! I absoultey have the most amazing clients.