The first thing you need to know about Mary is that she and her family are huge Baylor fans! It’s interesting to me how there so often seems to be one university that’s the “it” school for a class of seniors, and apparently it’s Baylor this year because many of my clients are going there in the fall. Mary will make a terrific Bear and will bring so much to the table there. She’s confident, kind, and so mature. They are blessed to have her!

Mary homeschooled her way through high school and it was extremely reassuring to me to meet this incredibly bright young woman who chose the same educational path that we have set for Mia Grace. I love when I have these types of connections with my clients! Mary and her family attend the same church as some of my family and one of my neighbors, so that was another fun link. Also, I recently attended a conference where Jennie Allen was the keynote speaker. Before she began, an advertisement for Human Coalition was shown. Low and behold, there was a huge picture of Mary’s mom, Staci, on the big screen! I love those, “Hey! I know her!” moments,

Mary and Staci are these amazingly kind people and it was such a joy for me to work with them. Side note: I took some shots of Mary holding her Bible and I could tell that she wasn’t totally sure about them…but good gracious! When I did, it was like the heavens opened up with all of this wonderful light! I just love when picture magic like this happens. It’s my way of feeling God wink at me. 🙂 THAT’S what I mean by joy!

Mary, your smile is almost too beautiful to contain but I think we captured some special ones together. Sic ‘em!

Mary’s Senior Portrait Session in Grapevine | Coram Deo Academy Class of 2019
Makeup: Monica Childress