There’s something awfully wonderful about new beginnings.  There’s something awfully terrifying about them, too. I don’t know about you, but with as much anticipation and hope I have about the New Year, there’s an equal amount of anxiety bubbling inside of me.


With all the goal setting going on around here and in this crazy mind of mine, you’d think I had plans to take over the Earth … and the moon and Jupiter while I’m at it.

Maybe this year I will be a better steward with my finances, budgeting every last penny so I can go on that European vacation and give more to those that really need it. Maybe I will be a better Mom, I will listen and spend more time and volunteer more at school. Maybe I will be a much better spouse this year, too. God knows this wouldn’t require too much effort if we are just using last year as a comparison. Maybe I will be a better business person, and meet and even exceed some of my goals for Love, Me Photography. Maybe I’ll find time to invest in the lives of teenagers, a longing of my heart for a few years now and I’ll be a more thoughtful and loving friend and pour into the women who stood beside me during the absolute devastation that 2014 was for me.  Maybe when I ask God to use me how He sees fit, I will mean it and say “Yes!”.   Maybe I’ll invest in the people around me and invite them over for dinner this year (I still won’t cook, but maybe I can do that next year) maybe, just maybe. Maybe I’ll read all those unfinished books and eat healthy and do yoga every week and write more and wash my face every night and sleep better and get up early and call people back and respond to Facebook messages and emails and and and … more more more.

Or, maybe I can try something totally new this year … and just STOP. (drop and roll? Collaborate and listen? Don’t lie, you know that’s what you said in your head)

Like, maybe I’ll stop using time like its an endless commodity that never runs out.

Maybe I’ll stop wearing myself out making sure that everyone is ok with me.

Maybe I’ll stop telling my girls “Just one more minute; Let me finish this one thing and then I’ll play or listen or watch”.

Or, maybe I’ll just STOP and I’ll get still and I’ll listen to that still small voice that says,


and then whispers …

You are enough.

With all the excitement a new year brings, and all the dreaming and goal setting and hoping and wishing  … and anxiousness and pressure to be and to do, please remember beloved one, that YOU are enough.