LMP Love Dare: Journaling to Your Senior, Part II

May is upon us and you know what that means: Summer break is not far behind. (I just really felt the need to italicize that—can I get an amen?). But before I get too caught up in thoughts of dipping my toes in the pool with a cool drink in hand, I wanted to check in...

Savvy Senior: Plan the Perfect Graduation Party!

I’ve said it here before and I’ll say it again: Life happens FAST. When I look back on some of the pictures of the amazing seniors I’ve had the privilege of photographing over the last few years, I’m blown away that many of those precious guys and girls are now young...

LMP Radio: the soundtrack your perfect day needs

So, you finally found the perfect shoes to match that dress you’ve had hanging in your closet for WEEKS now, your hair + make-up style has been meticulously chosen (did you use any of our tips?? We want to see!!), and you have a killer date (girlfriends totally...

Prom-spiration: Hair and Makeup Ideas

April is flying by, meaning a super-significant event in the lives of all my favorite seniors is just around the corner: prom! By this point I’m thinking you may have snagged the perfect gown, but I’m guessing that all things makeup-and-hair are still up...
LMP Love Dare: Start a Memory Journal For Your Senior

LMP Love Dare: Start a Memory Journal For Your Senior

I heard a beautiful story the other day that included a brilliant idea I simply couldn’t wait to pass on to my LMP mommas. Ready to hear it? Once upon a time, a momma started a journal at the beginning of her daughter’s senior year and continued writing entries in it...