Logan was one of my very first sessions when I was getting Love, Me Photography off the ground. She was 13…13, y’all! And now she’s about to graduate from Vanderbilt law school! How on earth is that even possible?! Just writing this reminds me that Logan was the age Mia Grace will be in just a few short months, and it also reminds me why portrait photography is so important. Time flies (cliché but oh-so-true) and I’m passionate about capturing these special moments for families before they disappear.

I found Logan to be this really driven, no-nonsense young woman, so it was no surprise to me at all that she went on to law school after graduating from Baylor. She’s also a super talented photographer. It has been incredibly fun for me to watch her grow as a young woman and an artist. I have great memories from this session! Her mom, Tina, is hysterical and has always been super down to earth. Having that kind of atmosphere during our session just made for a great day!

Funny side story: As we went to Waco to photograph Logan’s graduation from Baylor, Monica and I had visions of making this a great “girls weekend” with lots of sightseeing and shopping. We quickly realized, however, that after a couple of hours at Magnolia Market (no offense to Chip and Joanna—we love them!) there wasn’t much else to do. We did end up having some great BBQ though, so our story had a happy ending after all!

Logan’s Graduation Session at Baylor University | Waco, Texas Senior Portrait Session