God of Justice by Tim Hughes
God of Justice, Saviour to all
Came to rescue the weak and the poor
Chose to serve and not be served
Jesus, You have called us
Freely we’ve received
Now freely we will give
We must go live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go
To act justly everyday
Loving mercy in everyway
Walking humbly before You God
You have shown us, what You require
Freely we’ve received
Now freely we will give
Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out Lord
Yesterday at church I truly heard this song for the first time. It had a whole new meaning to me and I thought this was the perfect way for Rachel and I to make our big announcement! Love, Me is headed to Sierra Leone, Africa!!!! Yes, you read that correctly … Rachel and I both have the amazing privilege to travel to the poorest country in the world and use the gifts we have so freely received to give back to 84 remarkable orphans at the Wellington Orphanage. We couldn’t be more humbled.
Along with our hearts to love and serve these children in any way needed, we will also be carrying out a project I dreamed up months ago with little faith that it could ever be accomplished. I’m a dreamer … I am used to imagining things that I know may never come to fruition. How easily I forget I serve the God of the impossible!
So, it is with so much joy that Rachel and I proudly announce the beginning of our Photographic Art Calendar Project for The World Should Know to ultimately support the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of 84 beautiful boys and girls at the Wellington Orphanage in Sierra Leone, Africa. We invite you to join in on the journey with Love, Me as we witness what the God of the Universe can accomplish with a big idea, a little faith, and two best friends willing to say yes … WE MUST GO!
Please stay tuned for more information about our trip and the project and all the ways you can help save lives across the globe!
Crystal, I couldn’t be more proud of you. I’ve said this a million times, but I’ll say it a million and one, you are SUCH an inspiration to me. Not only are you wonderfully talented, you are using these talents to do God’s work which is what He always intends when blessing us with our talent. It’s clear to me now that you were MEANT to do this and I’m honored to know you albeit through cyberspace! lol Many, many blessings to you. Your future is sooo bright, I have goosebumps for you. xoxo
This is really wonderful news! Like Eliza says, you inspire us all to be better photographers…better people. Looking forward to supporting you in any way I can. Your heart is bigger than Texas 😉
So proud of you my friend!!!!!!
I’m so proud of you. Love you!