I just didn’t want you all to think I was gone!  I am in the process of moving into the studio the end of this week and its been crazy.  Yea, we’ll just say “crazy” … that’s a nice word.

A HUGE thanks to all of my patient clients. I promise it will be worth the wait and hopefully I can get some sneak peeks up very soon.  I will be having all ordering sessions in the new place starting this weekend!

Because every post is boring without an image, here is a recent favorite of Mia Grace from my quick business trip to Houston, where she tagged along. My sweet friend, Jamie from a few posts back, watched her while I was getting my SKPA Accreditation … more on that to come!  I owe Jamie and her hubby bigtime for hosting us for a couple of nights.

We took our girls out for a quickie shoot. Let’s just say, two three year old (well, MG is almost three), whom happen to be photographers’ kids, at the same time wasn’t the best choice, lol. We thought, hey, let’s switch and each shoot each other’s girls. Well, Miss Andee Grace and Miss Mia Grace had different plans, and poor Jamie is 9 months pregnant and ready to have a baby any day.  We’ll just chalk that up to a bad idea.

We still got a “few” good ones. Here’s a new favorite of my little munchkin.  I think this is going up in the studio somewhere.
