Meredith just might be THE most gorgeous girl I’ve ever photographed. Holy cow! She’s also one smart young lady. Independent by nature, she is very sure of herself yet laid back. She was also open to anything which always makes my job a dream. The images of Meredith in her boots are indicative of her cool personality and are some of my very favorites from her session!

I also loved seeing her interact with her mom, Jennifer. They seem to have an awesome relationship—something they have in common with so many of my clients. I can’t say enough about how thankful I am that these are the kind of amazing people I seem to attract.

Meredith was my second senior from Parish Episcopal and it’s been so fun to start meeting families from other schools! I’m always grateful when someone new takes a chance on me and then in turn is gracious enough to refer me to others.

Thank you, Koecher family, for allowing me to be a part of Meredith’s special senior year moments!

Meredith’s Senior Session in Dallas | Parish Episcopal School Class of 2019